Season’s Greetings!

As we approach the end of a truly life-altering year for people across the globe, we are happy to report that we have far exceeded our fund-raising targets for 2020 and are well positioned financially to continue our mission to support education and children’s welfare in Nepal. 

Our mountain biking and cocktail night fundraisers in November were hugely successful, and we smashed our target of S$27,500 to complete our school project with Kids of Kathmandu, raising over S$51,000 after costs. This has allowed us to make our final payment for the school building (which is nearly complete, as you can see in the photo above) and to make a firm commitment to sponsor 15 vulnerable children for the next 12 months.

In addition to the funds raised last month, we also raised c. S$60,000 over the course of the year to provide emergency relief to help those in dire need with food and medical supplies. 

We cannot thank our supporters enough – your donations have made such a huge impact on the children and the communities that we support. We are truly blessed and humbled to have such generous friends all across the globe. Thank you!!

We would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Click here to view our complete end-of-year message.